Back to the Garden Tour – Pete Byfield -Solo
1 January 2019 starts the big drive across the Nullabor in search of those who “grow” and “value add” their produce. I have a few places lined up in the Adelaide Hills and from there it will be a tale of “suck and see”. One such place is Beerenberg Family Farm at Hahndorf who provide “pick your own strawberries” and an array of sauces and jams. They have 50,000 visitors a year. Sue and I will be set up with the motorhome under a tree somewhere playing a few songs for the pickers and punters – maybe sell a CD or 2, have a yarn and map out the next move. Some targets are – Community Gardens, private gardens, orchards, wineries, craft breweries, cheese factories, herb farms and bush tucker trails to name a few. Add in a few caravan parks, pubs and festivals and I think we have it covered